giovedì 27 agosto 2009

Age of Empires 3 LAN: SOLVED "Failed to join the game" ISSUE

Pretty much everytime I try to connect to a friends game (using Hamachi or any other vpn client) or he to mine it gives us the "Failed to Join Game" message. I googled and found out that this issue is very common, but remains often unsolved.

I noticed that the ip number displayed in a room hosted by me was different than the hamachi's one, and i supposed that had to be the problem.

I googled some more specific terms and i found here the steps to fix it:
  1. Go to your My Documents/Documents folder.
  2. Go to your My Games folder.
  3. Go to the Age of Empires III folder.
  4. Go to the Startup folder.
  5. If there is not a user.cfg file, open Notepad. Do File > Save As… and save it as user.cfg (make sure to use “All Files", not "*".txt) in that folder.
  6. In user.cfg (right-click, Open With Notepad) add the following line: OverrideAddress="5.x.x.x"
  7. Change “5.x.x.x" to your Hamachi address. This can be found by opening up Hamachi and seeing what the big numbers at the top say.
  8. This will force AOE 3 to use the Hamachi address instead of your LAN IP address.

Now start AOE 3 and host a LAN game. You should see your Hamachi address now, and your friend can join you!

3 commenti:

  1. In quattro ore ho ricevuto ben due visite del giappone! xD

  2. Thank you so much, ive been trying to play With 3 of my buddies now and for 2 of them this was the problem. I think that the Windows 7 which me and one of my friends have automaticly favors hamachi while the 2 other computers (Windows 8 or higher) dont

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